40 Best Liberty Prime Quotes
liberty prime quotes: Liberty Prime is a military warfare robot trusted by the United States Army before the war from General Atomics International and RobCo Industries. Left incomplete before the Great War, it was reactivated by Lyons’ Brotherhood of Steel.
However, it was never utilized because of the energy shortage problems. Found by the Brotherhood of Steel, the robot is huge, almost 40 feet tall. Apart from that, the robot is heavily armored with a grenade and this makes it a destructive war aid.
Best Liberty Prime Quotes

1: “Democracy is freedom, Communism is tyranny.” – Liberty Prime
2: “I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Americans are created equal and are endowed with certain unalienable rights.” – Liberty Prime

3: “Global positioning initialized. Location: the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, birthplace of American freedom.” – Liberty Prime
4: “Ariel incursion by communist forces cannot succeed” – Liberty Prime
5: “Hostile software detected. Communist subversion likely.” – Liberty Prime (liberty prime quotes)

6: “Warning. Nuclear weapon payload depleted. Reload required.” – Liberty Prime
7: “Liberty Prime Full System Analysis: all systems nominal, weapons hot” – Liberty Prime
8: “Warning: All personnel should move to minimum safe distance” – Liberty Prime
9: “Memorial site; recognized. Honoring the fallen is the duty of every red-blooded American. Patriotism subroutines; engaged.” – Liberty Prime
10: “We will not fear the Red Menace.” – Liberty Prime

Liberty Prime quotes on democracy
11: “Accessing dictionary database. Entry: Communism- a form of government in which the state controls everything and the people are denied freedom.” – Liberty Prime
12:“Communism is a lie.” – Liberty Prime (liberty prime quotes)
13: “Freedom is always worth fighting for.” – Liberty Prime
14: “Accessing dictionary database. Entry: Democracy- a form of government in which the leader is chosen by vote and everyone has equal rights.” – Liberty Prime

15: “Defending life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” – Liberty Prime
16: “American will never fall to communist invasion.” – Liberty Prime (liberty prime quotes)

17: “Probability of mission hindrance- zero percent.” – Liberty Prime
18: “Communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom.” – Liberty Prime
19: “Democracy will never be defeated.” – Liberty Prime
Best Liberty Prime Quotes
20: “Only together can we stop the spread of communism” – Liberty Prime

21: “Democracy is the essence of good. Communism, the very definition of evil.” – Liberty Prime
22: “Defeat is not an option” – Liberty Prime

23: “Glory is the reward of valor.” – Liberty Prime
24: “Communism is the very definition of failure.” – Liberty prime
25: “Embrace democracy, or you will be eradicated.” – Liberty Prime
26: “Democracy is non-negotiable.” – Liberty prime (liberty prime quotes)

27: “Freedom is the sovereign right of every American.” – Liberty Prime
28: “There are no unicorns that pop out the ceiling and no glitter that pops out of my pocket. It’s just regular people in the studio doing what we do.” – Liberty Prime
29:” Conflict is the soul of literature.” –
Liberty Prime

30:“I die so that democracy may live.” – Liberty Prime
With these liberty prime quotes, Liberty Prime gives us a lesson, never to give up no matter how hard it gets and keep combatting. Despite the obstacles, he never gives in, he always works for what is right and gives us the motivation to remain steadfast. These aspects make him an impulse to gamers worldwide.
Hope these Best Liberty Prime Quotes encourage you to stay strong and face every challenge of life bravely.