What is GAT Test?
Gat test is a Graduate Assessment Test GAT is also known as Graduate Record Examination (GRE). It is a preconditioning test or you can say an entry test to get admission in MS, M.phil, or, PhD programs or to get scholarships for higher education.
It is planned to test the skills and knowledge of 16 years of education. All the graduates have to pass GAT to get into good universities for higher education.

What is GAT test in Pakistan?
Graduate Assessment Test (GAT) is a mandatory test for all the graduates who are willing to get admission in MS, M.phil, or, PhD programs in Pakistan and also for the LLB graduates to get appointed as an advocate in Pakistan. GAT is conducted by National Testing Service(NTS) whereas Law GAT is conducted by Higher Education Commission (HEC). In Pakistan GAT test is categorized as
- GAT-General
- Law GAT
- GAT-Subject
GAT-General is for the graduates who want admission to MS or M.phil, Law GAT is for the LLB graduates who are willing to appoint as an advocate in Pakistan, GAT-Subject is for admission in PhD programs and SEE Law GAT is for the foreign Law graduates who want to work as an advocate in Pakistan.
GAT Test Preparation:
GAT test is designed such that it has 100 multiple choice questions divided into three categories are:
- Verbal reasoning
- Analytical reasoning
- Quantitative reasoning
Verbal reasoning contains 40 questions while the rest two categories have 30 questions each. The time allowed to solve the test is 120 minutes.
- Preparation of Verbal Reasoning (ENGLISH)
This part is included so to test the English vocabulary and grammatical usage. Questions are related to the
- correct use of parts of speech including verbs, nouns, conjunctions, adverbs, and prepositions.
- Use of tenses.
- Synonyms and Antonyms.
- Comprehension reading and questions related to it.
- Analogies
Preparation Guidelines:
- Learn the primary usage of tenses and vocabulary.
- Learn the basic grammatical rules.
- Learn the parts of speech
- Go through the English grammar books which explain all the basic rules and grammatical usage in detail.
- Go through the MCQs books of high level e.g books for SAT-1 and SAT-2 preparation.
- Practice the grammatical MCQs online or offline as much as you can.
- Preparation of Analytical Reasoning
This part is to test the intelligence of the candidate or the analytical and situational processing skills. The situations and rules will be given in the statement and you have to solve the mystery by applying those rules.
Preparation guidelines:
- The candidates must be fully attentive during the examination.
- Read the statement carefully with full concentration.
- Read the facts and rules twice before attempting the question.
- Practice such questions to grasp the analytical type of reasoning questions.
Preparation of Quantitative Reasoning (MATHEMATICS)
Quantitative reasoning contains simple arithmetic questions. They are from the basic mathematics of the 8th, 9th, and 10th standards. This part is made easy so that all the graduates from various fields can solve them. The questions are simple but require brainstorming to get the statement and solve it. The syllabus for mathematic questions includes
- Arithmetic questions (division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction)
- Ratio and proportion
- Percentage
- Simple algebra and geometry
Preparation Guidelines:
- Learn the short formulas
- For the geometry, learn the short formulas to solve the questions related to shapes. For example to find out the area of the specific shapes (square, triangle, circle, etc). sometimes an area of an unusual shape is asked so, such shapes have various shapes in it including square, circle, or semi-circle, so find their areas and add them up to find the total area.
- Learn the Pythagorean theorem by heart, it is among the favourite questions of the examiner. Pythagorean theorem is used to find out the length of one side of the triangle while the others are given.
- Learn the basic mathematical rules for solving the percentage and ratio questions. For example, a question is 4 labourers made a building in 7 days. How many labourers are required to make a building in 3 days? Here is an indirect relation between the labourers and the number of days in which the building is made i-e more labourers fewer days are required to complete the building.
- Simple Arithmetic tricks are required to solve the quantitative reasoning questions.
- Practice makes a man perfect so practice such questions to solve them quickly in a short time.
- As there is a short time to solve the test so divide all the questions. Give more time to the quantitative and analytical parts.
- Candidates must have a watch so that they are aware of the time.
- Candidates must have proper sleep before the exam.
- Read the statements carefully before marking the answers
- Solve the easy questions first and leave the difficult ones for the end so that you have time to think over them.
- Practising the sample paper makes you confident in the real exam.
Schedule For GAT Test 2022?
Test Date | Announcement Date | Last Date of Submission of Registration Form | Issuance of E. Roll # Slip Date | Result Announcement Date on NTS Website | Result Card Dispatch Date | |
1 | Sunday, January 17, 2022 | Wednesday, December 23, 2022 | Monday, January 4, 2022 | January 11, 2022 | Monday, January 25, 2022 | Monday, February 1, 2022 |
2 | Sunday, March 14, 2022 | February 15, 2022 | Monday, March 1, 2022 | March 8, 2022 | Monday, March 22, 2022 | Monday, March 29, 2022 |
3 | Sunday, May 23, 2022 | Monday, April 19, 2022 | May 3, 2022 | Monday, May 10, 2022 | Tuesday, June 1, 2022 | Monday, June 7, 2022 |
4 | Sunday, July 11, 2022 | June 14, 2022 | Monday, June 28, 2022 | Monday, July 5, 2022 | Friday, July 16, 2022 | Monday, July 26, 2022 |
5 | Sunday, September 19, 2022 | Monday, August 23, 2022 | Monday, September 6, 2022 | Tuesday, September 14, 2022 | Monday, September 27, 2022 | Friday, October 1, 2022 |
6 | Sunday, November 21, 2022 | Monday, October 25, 2022 | Monday, November 8, 2022 | Tuesday, November 16, 2022 | Monday, November 29, 2022 | Friday, December 3, 2022 |
How To Apply For GAT Test 2022?
- Candidates have to register himself/herself online on the registration portal of NTS. Click the link to register.
- Upload a recent photograph in the online portal of NTS.
- Download the bank deposit slip or challan form from the NTS online registration portal.
- Deposit the fee for the GAT Test 1150 Rs/- via Link 1Bill Participating Banks/ATM/Internet Banking/Mobile Banking/EasyPaisa/JazzCash/TCS Express Counters.
- Click the link for more details or visit the NTS official website