Q.1 Who established Bait-ul-Maal? Hazrat Ali
Q.2 When was wine prohibited? During Ghazwa Bani Nuzair
Q.3 How many children did Hazrat Ibrahim A.S have? 13 Children
Q.4 What is another name of the battle of Khandaq? Battle of Ahzab.
Q.5 When did the Conquest of Makkah take place? 20 Ramzan.
Q.6 What is the battle in which the prophet not participated is known? Saria.
Q.7 Who was the first commander of Islamic Army? Hazrat Hamza
Q.8 In which battle did Muslim women participate for the first time? In Uhd battle
Q.9 Which was the first non-Arab War? Battle of Mauta
Q.10 What is the nisab by the gold standard? 3 ounces of
gold (87.48 grams) or its cash equivalent
Q.11 What is the nisab by the silver standard? 21 ounces of silver (612.36 grams) or its equivalent.
Q.12 Which country is Peninsula? Saudi Arabia
Q.13 What was the old name of Makkah? Bakkah
Q.14 What was the old name of Medina? Yasrab
Q.15 Who was the first slave to accept Islam? Hazrat Bilal R.A
Q.16 Before Kabah, where was Prophet Peace be upon him used to pray
towards? Masjid Al-Aqsa
Q.17 How many obligations( faraiz) are in Wuzu? 4
Q.18 How many obligations ( faraiz) are in Ghushal? 3
Q.19 Who was Israel? It was the laqab of Hazrat Yaqub
Q.20 Which surah starts without Bismillah? Surah e Toba
Q.21 How many sheets A Muslim male is coffined in? 3 dressed sheets
Q.22 How many sheets A Muslim female is coffined in? 5 sheets
Q.23 When did Jehad become mandatory? In 2 AH
Q.24 Which valley is called Mashaar-ul-Haram? Muzdalifa
Q.25 How many suras does Qur’an contain? 114 Surah
Q.26 What is the Nisab of Zakat in gold? 7 Tolas
Q.27 What is the Nisab of Zakat in Silver? 52 Tolas
Q.28 What is the original name of Imam Bukhari? Muhammad Bin Ismail
Q.29Where and when is Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering) made? during Hajj
at Mina
Q.30 Who is called Jami-i-Quran? Hazrat Usman (RA)
Q.31 How long did the Pious-Caliphate lasted for? about Thirty Years
Q.32 When is the Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made? on 9th Zil Hajjah
Q.33 How many stages (manazil) Qur’an contain? 7 stages
Q.34 Who was the writer of the first Wahi in Quraish? Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)
Q.35 By whom is Kitab-ul-Assar is compiled? Imam Abu Hanifah (RA)
Q.36 What was the laqab of Hazrat Ali (RA)? Asadullah
Q.37 What was Hazrat Ismail’s (AS) father’s name? Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
Q.38 What was Hazrat Ismail’s (AS) mother’s name? Bibi Hajra
Q.39 When was Fateh Makkah? on 20 Ramadan, 8 Hijri
Q.40 In which battle 70 Hafiz e Quran were martyred( shaheed)? Jung-e-Yamama
Q.41 When did Imam Shafi take the office of “Religious Judgment”? at the age of 15 years
Q.42 Who was Hazrat Shima (RA)? She was the foster sister of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W)
Q.43 What is the number of Ramzan in the Islamic Calendar? 9
Q.44 Who compiled the first work of Hadith “Sahifa-e-Sadiqa.”? Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA)
Q.45 Who advised Abu Bakr (R.A) to compile the Qur’an? Hazrat Umar (R.A)
Q.46 Who did The Prophet (S.A.W.W) make the Governor of Yemen? Hazrat Muaaz bin Jabal
Q.47 Who are the Sahibain? Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani
Q.48 Without which rukan Hajj is not completed? unless you go to Arafat (Waqoof e Arfa)
Q.49 By whom is Kitab-al-Umm written? by Imam Shafi
Q.50 When was the foundation of Bait Ul-Hikmah laid down?
during the Abbasid Period
Q.51 Who was the First Mujadid? Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
Q.52 Name the Second Mujadid? Hazrat Ahmad Sirhindi
Q.53 By whom was Sahifa Hammam bin Munabih found?by Dr
Q.54 In which Surat of Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain? Alkahaf
Q.55 Who is Sahib Us-Ser? It is the nickname of Hazrat Huzaifa (R.A)
Q.56 Where is Masjide Khief located? in Minna
Q.57 What is the title of Hazrat Hanzala (R.A)? Ghaseel ul Malaika
Q.58 Who was appointed as Usher for Hijrat-e-Madinah? Hazrat Abdullah bin Ariqat (R.A)
Q.59 when was the Law of inheritance revealed? in 4 A.H
Q.60 Who was the last Commander in Chief for Ghazwa-e-Mautah? Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
Q.61 What is the title of Imam Malik? Imam Dar ul Hijrat
Q.62 How many times the word Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a name has
been mentioned in the Quran? only 4 times
Q.63 Who is called Khateeb ul-Anbia? Hazrat Shoaib (AS)
Q.64 Who did Hazrat Umer (RA) appoint as custodian of Bait-ul-Mal? Hazrat Abdullah bin Masud (R.A)
Q.65 What can The effective Zakat System ensure? the elimination of Poverty
Q.66 Where is Masjid Qiblatain situated? in Madina
Q.67 Who was Abdur Rehman bin Khaldun? a Historian, justice, philosopher as well as Politician
Q.68 Which Surah of the Quran has Bismillah twice?
Answer: Al Namal
Q.69 What is the Had -e- Qazaf (False Accusation)? 80 Lashes
Q.70 When did Adi Bin Hatam Thai embrace Islam? in 9 Hijri
Q.71 What is the wealth obtained from a mine is liable to?
Q.72 When has Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-Fitr been proclaimed? in the
year 2 Hijri
Q.73 In whose custody was the seal affixed on important letters by the prophet peace be upon him? Hazrat Huzaifa (R.A)
Q.74 Who is called Ameen ul-Umat? Hazrat Abu- ubaida bin Al jarrah (RA)
Q.75 Which river was declared as Sayed-ul-Anhar by
Hazrat Umer (R.A)? River Nile
Q.75 What was a title given to Hazrat Zainab Bint e Khuzima (RA)? Umm-ul-Masakeen
Q.76 Who did Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) give the key of Bait
Ullah permanently too? Hazrat Usman bin Talha (RA)
Q.77 Where is Batha Valley situated? in Makkah
Q.78 Which is the longest Surah of the Qur’an? Surah al Baqarah
Q.79 What is Al-Maeen? a Surah in which there are 100 or
more ayahs
Q.80 What is “Arbaeen”? the book of Hadith in which there are 40 Ahadith
Q.81 What is Fatwa Qazi Khan? an authentic Fatwa of Fiqh Hanafi
.Q.82 Which garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet as Fay?”FIDK”
Q.83 What is the title given to the pioneers of Islam? Assabiqoon al Awwalun
Q.84 Who was the Master of Hazrat Bilal (MABPH) during embracing Islam Ummayia bin Khalaf
Q.85 Where did people witness the Splitting of the moon? It occurred in Mina
Q.86 What was written on the Prophet’s stamp? It comprises of these words:
Q.87 How many expenditures of Zakat are there? Eight (8)
Q.88 What does MAUWAZATAIN mean? two specific Surahs of the Quran ( Sura Al Falaq and Sura An Naas)
Q.89 What were the Religious of the majority of the Arabs before Islam? Idolatrous
Q.90 Name of the son of Hazarat Yaqoob (A.S)
whose off-springs are the Jews? Answer: Yahooda
Q.91 What was the total number of idols that were fixed around the Kaaba? Answer: 360
Q.92 When was Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him born? about three thousand years, after Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
Q.93 When did Hazrat Umer (R.A) embrace Islam? in 616 A.D.
Q.94 Who was Zou-Shadatian? It is the title of Hazrat Khuzaima bin Sabit (R.A)
Q.95 What is Palestine known as? the Land of Prophets
Q.96 What is the Recitation of 1st kalima? called Tahleel
Q.97 What is 9th Zil-Hajj also called? Youm-e– Waquf-e-Arafat
Q.98 Who was the first man who issued regular orders to collect and
write Ahadis? Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz (R.A)
Q.99 To which tribe does Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed (R.A) belong? Banu Makhzoom tribe
Q.100 Who was given the title of Saifullah meaning “Sword of Allah”? Khalid Bin Waleed
Q.101 Who died in the feet of Holy Prophet peace be upon him? Ziyad ibn al-Sakan R.A
Q.102 What is Sahihain? Answer: Sahih Bukhari and Sahi Muslim
Q.104 Which battle was between the forces of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA and Musaylimah Kazaab(Self- proclaimed prophet)? Jung e Yamama
Q.105 What do Tayammum mean? dry ablution (wuzu) using sand or dust
Q.106 When was Makkah conquered? in Ramadan, 8 A.H
Q.107 Who was the first Muezzin of Islam? Hazrat Bilal Ibn Raba
Q.108 Who is called Jame-ul- Qur’an? Hazrat Usman Ghani R.A
Q.109 What are the other names of the Qur’an? Al Furqaan, Al Kitaab, Al Zikr, Al Noor, and Al Huda.
Q.110 What is Islam? kissing of Hajr Aswad.
Q.111 Islam has 2 major sects.
Q.112 How many fundaments of Islam are there? 5.
Q.113 How many types of faith? 2
Q.114 How many Articles of faith are there? 5.
Q.115 What does Tehlil mean? the recitation of Kalima.
Q.116 What is an old name of Islam?Deen-e-Hanif
Q.117 Name The first institution of Islam? Suffah.
Q.118 Haq Mahar in Islam is fixed only 400 misqal.
Q.119 What does Ijma mean? agreeing upon any subject.
Q.120 What does Qiyas mean? reasoning by analogy.
Q.121 How many schools of thought of Islamic
Law is there? four
Q.122 Where is Janatul Baki situated? Madina.
Q.123 Where is Masjid-e-Hanif located? in Mina.
Q.124 What is JANAT UL MOALA ? a graveyard in MECCA.
Q.125 What is the punishment of Qazaf, a false accusation of adultery? 80 lashes.
Q.126 What does Lyla-tul-Barrah mean? the Night of
Q.127 What does Karam-un-Katibin mean? Illustrious writers.
Q.128 Which is the oldest mosque on earth? Kaabatullah.
Q.129 What are the names of 6 kalamas?1st Kalima=Tayyab, 2nd =Shahadat, 3rd
=Tamjeed, 4th =Tauheed, 5th =Astaghfar, 6th =Rad-e Kufar
Q.130 What does Qiblah mean? anything in front.
Q.131 Who is Saabi? one who changes his religion.
Q.132 What isSidrat-ul-Mantaha? the last tree of the Eternity.
Q.133 Who is called Jaabi? one who collects Zakat.
Q.134 What is the first collection of Ahadith called? Sahifah-e-Saadiq
Q.135 What is the Saying of Prophet called? Wahi Ghair Matlloo.
Q.136 In iman-e-Mufassal how many essential beliefs are mentioned? They are 7 in number.
Q.137 How many the most exalted angels are? four.
Q.138 Who is the greatest angel as per Islam? Jibraeel Alihi salam
Q.139 Each human being is attended to permanently by how many angels? two angels.
Q.140 What is Barzakh? the time period between death and Day of Judgment.
Q.141 What is another name of surah Ali-Isra? bani Israel.
The total number of wives of Holy Prophet S.A.W was 12
What are the names of Umhat ul Momeneen (R.A)?
Hazrat Khadija R.A
Hazrat Sauda R.A
Hazrat Ayesha R.A
Hazrat Hafsa R.A
Hazrat Zainab Binte Khazeema R.A
Hazrat Salmah R.A
Hazrat Zainab Binte Jahash R.A
Hazrat Umeh Habiba R.A
Hazrat Safiya R.A
Hazrat Memona R.A
Hazrat Maria Kibtiah R.A
Hazrat Javeriah R.A
What are the names of the Four Holy Books and the prophets?
Injil or Bible on Hazrat Isa (A.S)
Zabur on Hazrat Dawood (A.S)
Torah or Torat on Hazrat Musa (A.S)
Qur’an on Hazrat Muhammad Peace be upon him
Jung e Badar:
Who was the leader of Kufar? Abu Jihal
When was it fought?: 2 Hijri on 17th Ramadan
What was the total Number of Muslims? 313 (246 Ansar and 77
What was the total Number of Kuffar? 1000
What was the number of death of Kuffar? 70 died and 70 were made
What was the number of martyrs of Muslims? 14 (6 Ansar and 8 Muhajir)
Battle Badar Ghazwa has another name what is it? Youm Al Furqan.
By whom was Abu Jahal killed in the Battle of Badr? by Maaz
Who was the first person to be martyred in the Battle of
Badr? the freed slave of Hazrat Umar :
What happened to Hazrat Abbas? He was made a prisoner of war in Badr.
When did Hazrat Ruqia die? on the day of the victory of the battle of Badr she was the wife of Usman.
Jung e Uhad:
When was it fought? 3 Hijri on 5th Shawwal
What was the total number of Muslims? 1000
What was the total Number of Kuffar? 3000
What was the number of Muslim martyrs in the battle of Uhad?
Uhad Quraish were laid by Abu Sufwan
What are the dates of different battles of Islam?
First Ghazwa is Widdan or Abwa in 1 A.H
624 Battle of Badr.2hij
625 Battle of Uhad. 3hij
626 Battle of Rajih.4hij
627 Battle of Khandaq (Ahzab).5hij
628, Treaty of Hudaibiya, Hazrat Khalid bin Walid Accepted Islam, Conquest of Khyber.6hij
629, Battle of Mutah, Preaching of Islam to various kings.7hij
630, Battle of Hunain, Conquest of Makkah.8hij
631, Battle of Tabuk. 9hij
632, Hajjat-ul-Wida.10hij
680, Tragedy of Kaballah.61hij
What are the names of Kutub al-Sittah or Sihah al-Sittah?
Sahih Bukhari
Sahih Muslim
Al-Sunan Al-Sughra
Sunan Abu Dawood
Sunan al-Tirmidhi
Sunan ibn Maja
Who is Ashra Mubashra? those Companions of
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H),
who were given Good News in their life that they
will be awarded, Heaven.
What is the name of Ashra Mubashra?
1. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
2. Hazrat Umer Farooq (R.A)
3. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
4. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
5. Hazrat Talha (R.A)
6. Hazrat Zubair ibn-e-Awam (R.A)
7. Hazrat Abu Obaida ibn-al-Jarah (R.A)
8. Hazrat Abdul Rehman ibn-e-Auf (R.A)
9. Hazrat Saad ibn-e-Abi Waqas (R.A)
10. Hazrat Saeed ibn-e-Zaid (R.A) Mention the Arkan-e-Islam?
Kalma, Namaz (Salat), Roza (Sawm), Zakat, Hajj
How many children did the holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him have?
3 sons and 4 daughters
What were the names of sons?
Hazrat Al-Qasim (mother Hazrat Khadija R.A)
Hazrat Abdullah (mother Hazrat Khadija R.A)
Hazrat Ibrahim (mother Hazrat Maria R.A)
All three sons died in their childhood.
Hazrat Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah are buried in
Jannat ul Moalla, Mecca whereas Hazrat Ibrahim rests in peace at Jannat ul Baki, Madina tul Munawarah.
What are the names of daughters of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?
Hazrat Zainab R.A was his eldest daughter
Hazrat Ruqayah R.A
Hazrat Umme Kalsoom R.A
Hazrat Fatima R.A

I hope you got comprehensive information about the general knowledge about Pakistan and Insha Allah it will help you in your exams. If you read any mistake in this post you should comment to me I will correct it. General Knowledge about Pakistan is a very important topic in PPSC, FPSC, NTS SPSC, BPSC, and KPPSC exams point of view.
Thanks for reading.
Masha Allah most important
Please send it on whatsap
Allah ap ko life ma bohat success da bohat achi knowledge de ha ya mere dil sa dua ha Allah ap ko khush rakha
Ameen. Shukrya Janab
plz link.send kar ya pdf book
Plz make a correction, Surah Tauba starts without Bismillah.
Jazakallah khair
Thanks, Bhai
great work
How we can download this information?
There is a link at the end of this post.
Bhai jan pakistan ki total districts 154 ha aur kpk ki 35 ha ap Google sa check kr sakta ho
Thanks for correction
Mashallah great and very important
Correction | DG Ispr………. = Major General Babar Iftikhar
Ok thanks
Link kha ha jha sy hum dowload kar skty ha
Thanks my dear sir
Great service for young generation from a gentle person
شکریہ بھائی
thanks bro
Thanks bro
Bro how to download it in pdf format please guide me
How to download
Thanks so much bhai love u so much u great hellps me God bless u more to more
Dear sir your one question not right please correct tha surah toba start without bismillah
Good job bro allah aapko khush rakhe ameen❤️
nice sir good effort
Nice 👍
Great job
MashAllah bhoot khoob bhai ……Allah apko iska bhoot zeda ajjar ata kary our mazeed kam karny ki tofeeq dy sadqa.e.jaria h
President change hogaya kia sir
Bhoot Bhoot Sukhriya Bhai Jaan Allah Ap Ko Khush Rakhy AmeenBx Sab Bhai Dua Karo Clear Ho Jau
Millions of thanks
Mujhe boht faida hasil howa
Pakistan 36# by area but u mentioned 34 so what is the original # by area?
Interview ma kon se sawalat atta ha
Kas tor ma kise sarkare makma ma
Please. Answer zaroor Dana
Har dafa naye naye question dia kare app q k har dafa jobs k paper hote plz tamaam kisam k question hone chahyey . plz aur in naye question hume kis tareqe se aur kaha se mile gay
I love it thnk u sooo much for making me better from before.
Send me PDF on WhatsApp 03415445744
How we download in pdf file
Kindly Send me Genaral knowledge in pdf form
Sir according to google the oldest cantonment is Sialkot . Pls make correction.
thanks sir for your such wonderful efforts.
kindly send me pdf on my whatsap 03326474316
sir first anglo sikh war was fought in 1845.46
bhai delete q kr diya
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