Ramadan 2022: How to eat a healthy Diet | Himalayan Chef

Ramadan 2022: How to eat healthy Diet | Himalayan Chef

How to eat a healthy Diet

How to eat a healthy diet? Ramazan is a month full of blessings which is very dear to the Muslim’s heart. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, starts after Shauban, and is followed by Shawwal. This month Muslim fasts from dawn till dusk which is the third pillar of Islam. In this month of Ramazan, the first Ayah of the Quran was revealed by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). This month brings many positive effects that are both physical and spiritual. In this month, changes occur in eating and sleeping patterns. So Always try to eat healthy food things to maintain your health with the help of Himalayan Chef Grocery Shopping Ramazan Packages.

How to eat a healthy diet?

Himalayan chef introduces 3 Best Ramazan Packages:

  • Sugar Control Ramazan Package
  • Weight Loss Ramazan Package
  • Gluten-Free Ramazan Package

How body changes occur in the month of Ramazan by fasting

In Ramazan, Muslims have to avoid eating and drinking from dawn till dusk. In this way, the stomach stays empty most of the time. It is beneficial for all the issues related to the stomach and also good for weight loss. Most of the time people were seen eating oily/ fatty foods in Suhoor and Iftar which turns positive effects into negative effects. It will increase stomach issues and may cause acidity and burning effects.

Some general steps to follow to make your Ramazan Healthier

Making your Ramazan healthier is not as difficult as it seems. There are a few guidelines to understand to make Ramazan healthy with the help of Expert Nutrition Himalayan Chef Grocery Shopping in Pakistan

Ramadan 2022: How to eat a healthy Diet | Himalayan Chef 1

How to Stay Hydrated:

Intake More Water: The most common issue people face this month is a lack of hydration. This happens because people do not drink water frequently, they just stuff themselves at the Suhoor and Iftar time. To stay hydrated for a whole day, one should drink water frequently between Iftar and Suhoor. The easiest way to do this is to set an alarm on your mobile phone for every hour between Iftar and Suhoor. It will remind you to drink water frequently.

Avoid Caffeine: The second step is to avoid drinks like tea, coffee, and cold drinks because they are high in caffeine which may cause a diuretic effect. Select the drinks that do not have caffeine in them. It is a suggestion to break your fast with simple water instead of caffeinated or sugary drinks that may affect your health.

Watery Eatables: The third step that can help stay hydrated is to add fruits and vegetables in Suhoor and Iftar with higher water content. These fruits and vegetables include watermelon, strawberries, broccoli, cucumber, etc.

Stews: There is a solution in which a person can add stews (Shorba) to their foods. Stews are any vegetable or meat cooked in liquid and served in gravy form. It will also help in staying hydrated as it has water in it.

Removing Oily Foods

It is a tradition in Pakistan to eat oily foods in Iftar. People feel Iftar is incomplete if they don’t eat oily food (Pakora). This mindset needs to be changed to stay healthy. Eating oily food after being empty stomach for a whole day is very unhealthy. It may also cause an increase in weight. Dietitian recommends removing oily foods from meals and eating simple foods. Break your fast with date and lukewarm water and eat simple food like normal days.

Ramadan 2022: How to eat a healthy Diet | Himalayan Chef 2

Skipping Suhoor

People think skipping meals is the best idea to lose weight, which is exactly the opposite of the truth. Skipping meals in Ramadan like Suhoor is an unhealthy choice.

The Prophet (S.A.W) said,

Take Suhur as there is a blessing in it

This hadith proves the importance of Suhoor. Skipping Suhoor will make longer fasting in which a person relies on the previous Iftar. This prolonged fasting causes tiredness and makes you energy-deficient. Skipping Suhoor must be avoided

Dividing Meals

Dividing a meal into 2 or 3 smaller meals is a good option rather than having one big meal. Taking one big meal may cause overstuffing of the stomach that may face digestive issues. It is better to take four small meals in between Iftar and Suhoor. It will prevent overstuffing every food at once. Divided meals will make it easier for the stomach to digest every food. It is also better to deal with the existing digestive issues this way.

Ramadan 2022: How to eat a healthy Diet | Himalayan Chef 3


Do Not Sit Idle: Most people just sit idle after having Suhoor or Iftar which causes weight gain. It is suggested not to sit sedentarily as this may cause digestive issues and may also cause weight gain. After having a meal a person should walk for 8 to 10 minutes for better digestion and keep themselves active. If a person is an athlete then he should modify his workout routine. An athlete should set his workout routine to 1/3 of the normal days’ workout.

Do Not Sleep Immediately: The other thing people do is sleep immediately after eating food. This may cause difficulty in the digestion of food or may cause effects like GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). In this condition, the stomach acid moves back to the oesophagus. This may cause a burning effect in the oesophagus.

Food Choices

In Suhoor and Iftar, a person should not stick to the same food for a whole month, a person should have a variety of foods that provides carbohydrates, proteins, and good fats.

A person should add the following foods to their meals:

  • Whole grain: Whole-grain foods like whole-grain Atta, cereals, oatmeal, etc. should be a part of the meal. It will provide an adequate amount of carbohydrates for the daily requirement and it will also provide fibre.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Fresh fruits and vegetables are a must to have in Suhoor and Iftar. Dates are the best option to add because dates are very nutritious and Sunnah also.
  • Protein Foods: Foods like meat, milk, egg, and yoghurt must be a part of the meals to get protein
  • Good Fats: A person should add dry fruits & nuts and olive oils to obtain good fats which are necessary for the body.

Guidelines for Patients

Patients dealing with diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular, or liver disease have to take medicines regularly.

  • If they are prescribed to take medicine two times a day then they can have it in Suhoor and Iftar.
  • If they must have to take medicine in between Suhoor and Iftar, then they should not keep fast. Fasting and skipping the dose of medicine may worsen their health.


This concludes that if a person wants to spend Ramadan healthily, then he needs modifications in his diet and lifestyle. Avoid traditional Iftar oily foods and start eating healthy. Do physical activity and drink more water. These few steps will make Ramadan Healthier.

Muzammal Riaz

Muzammal Riaz

He is the founder of " Urdu Wisdom". He has a very deep interest in Life-Changing Quotes and Urdu Poetry specially Allama Iqbal poetry. He is passionate about transforming the thinking ability of mankind.
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