100 Islamic General Knowledge MCQs [Most Repeated] pdf

Q.1 Who established Bait-ul-Maal?

  1. Hazrat Ali R.A
  2. Hazrat Usman R.A
  3. Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A
  4. Hazrat Umar R.A

Q.2 In which Ghazwa wine was prohibited?

  1. Ghazwa Bani Nuzair
  2. Ghazwa Tabook
  3. Ghazwa Badar
  4. Ghazwa Khandak

Q.3 How many children of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S?

  1. 12
  2. 13
  3. 14
  4. 15

Q.4 The battle of Khandaq is also known as a battle

  1. Bani Nuzair 
  2. Tabook
  3. Badar
  4. Ahzaab …

Q.5 Conquest of Makkah took place on …

  1. 21
  2. 20
  3. 14
  4. 15

Q.6 The battle of Khandaq is also known as a battle

  1. Saria
  2. Tabook
  3. Badar
  4. Ahzaab

Q.7 Who was the first commander of
Islamic Army?

  1. Hazrat Ali R.A
  2. Hazrat Usman R.A
  3. Hazrat Hamza R.A
  4. Hazrat Umar R.A

Q.8 In which battle Muslim women participated firstly?

  1. Tabook
  2. Badar
  3. Ahzaab
  4. Uhad

Q.9 Battle of ……. was the first non-Arab War.?

  1. Tabook
  2. Badar
  3. Ahzaab
  4. Mauta

Q.10 Which country is Peninsula?

  1. Pakistan
  2. India
  3. China
  4. Saudi Arabia

Muzammal Riaz

Muzammal Riaz

He is the founder of " Urdu Wisdom". He has a very deep interest in Life-Changing Quotes and Urdu Poetry specially Allama Iqbal poetry. He is passionate about transforming the thinking ability of mankind.
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