Pakistan Affairs MCQs with Answers 2022 | Current Affairs of Pakistan.

Here you can read the Pakistan Affairs MCQs with Answers for all jobs tests and competitive exams. If you are preparing the test for FPSC, PPSC, NTS, Army and FIA then it’s very helpful for you. You should have good knowledge about Pakistan history before appearing for any exam.

Current Affairs of Pakistan

Pakistan Affairs MCQs with Answers
Pakistan Affairs MCQs with Answers

Pakistan Affairs MCQs with Answers

1. What is the total number of Districts in Pakistan?

2. The total number of districts in Punjab is?

3.The total number of Districts in KP is?

4.Which is the Oldest Cantonment of Pakistan?

5. On which river did India Construct Wuller Barrage?

6. Name the Commander in Chief who was also the defense minister in civil Govt?

7. Who was the 2nd Martial Law Administrator?

8. Name the Smallest Division of KP?

9. Jinnah Of Pakistan was written by?

10. Shalimar Garden was built by?

11. Which country does Karakoram Highway connect Pak with?

12. Capital of Azad Jammu Kashmir?

13. In which year did Pakistan win the cricket world cup?

14. Name the oldest barrage of Pakistan?

15. Which country has the biggest irrigation system in the world?

16. When was the first cabinet of Pakistan established?

17. “Pakistan, the heart of Asia” is a book written by …. in 1950?

18.Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire?

19. When was Nehru Report presented?

20. What is the date of the Wavell Plan (Shimla Conference)?

Muzammal Riaz

Muzammal Riaz

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