Surah Al Imran Read Online | Surah Imran Pdf , Mp3 Download

The holy verses in Surah Al Imran were written at the beginning to demonstrate oneness and prophecy, to show the veracity of the Holy Qur’an, and to address the concerns that the People of the Book had regarding Islam and the Holy Qur’an.

It also talked about the believers’ prayers to Allah Almighty for assistance in remaining faithful to the end.

Surah Al Imran

Surah Al Imran
Surah Al Imran
Surah Al Imran
Surah Al Imran
Surah Al Imran
Surah Al Imran Ayat 26
surah imran
surah imran
surah imran
surah imran
Surah Al Imran With Urdu Translation
Surah Al Imran With Urdu Translation
Surah Al Imran With Urdu Translation
Surah Al Imran Arabic
Surah Al Imran Arabic
Surah Al Imran With Urdu Translation
Surah Al Imran PDF
Surah Al Imran PDF
Surah Al Imran PDF
Surah Al Imran PDF
Surah Al Imran PDF
Surah Al Imran PDF
Surah Al Imran PDF
Surah Al Imran PDF
Surah Al Imran PDF
Surah Al Imran Benefits
Surah Al Imran Benefits
Surah Al Imran Benefits
Surah Al Imran Benefits
Surah Al Imran Benefits
Surah Al Imran Benefits
Surah Al Imran Benefits
Surah Al Imran Transliteration
Surah Al Imran Transliteration
Surah Al Imran Transliteration
Surah Al Imran Transliteration
Surah Al Imran Transliteration
Surah Al Imran Transliteration
Surah Al Imran Transliteration

Surah Al Imran PDF

Surahs are normally available on the internet in the form of a pdf so if you want to read any Surah or Surah Al Imran in particular you can easily find it on the internet within minutes. There are many pdfs available for all Surahs.

Surah Al Imran Ayat 26

This ayah encourages people to express gratitude to Allah for the favours He bestowed upon His Messenger and his Ummah.

The Arab, Qurashi, Makkan, unlettered Prophet—also known as the Final and Last of All Prophets and the Messenger of Allah to All People and Jinn—was given the prophethood by Allah from the Children of Israel.

The Prophet was endowed by Allah with the best qualities of the prophets who came before him. In addition, Allah bestowed upon him qualities that no other Prophet or Messenger had, including a greater understanding of Allah and His Law, as well as a greater awareness of both the present and the future, including what will transpire in the afterlife.

Surah Al Imran With Urdu Translation

The translation of this Surah can be found easily online. If you prefer reading the Surah in Urdu it is recommended that you do so as it will make it much easier for you to understand the meaning and significance of the Surah.

Surah Al Imran Transliteration

Transliteration is when the text is written in easier and corresponding words. As these Surahs were revealed a long time ago they can be a bit difficult to understand. This is why transliterations of Surahs are available so that they are much easier to understand and interpret.

Surah Al Imran Benefits

  • The angels will also pray for the person who recites this Surah on Friday, and they will grant him mercy until sunset.
  • The individual having trouble making ends meet ought to write it on paper, wrap it in a cloth, and wear it. Then he won’t have to worry about struggling to make a living.
  • for a woman who is expecting a child; give her this Surah gotten written down and enveloped by a fabric. She will have a child when she conceives.

Surah Al Imran Arabic

It is recommended that surahs should be recited in Arabic. But not everybody is fluent in the Arabic language which is why it is also alright to read the Surah in any other language that you are familiar with. There are no obligations to recite Surahs in only the Arabic language. But it is Sunnah to read the Holy Quran in Arabic as that is the language it was revealed in and read by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in.

Surah NameArabicMeaningOrderPlaceTotal
1Al-FatihahالفاتحةThe Opening5🕋7
2Al-BaqarahاﻟﺒﻘﺮﺓThe Cow87🕌286
3Aale-Imranاۤل عمرانThe Family Of Imran89🕌200
4An-NisaاﻟﻨﺴﺄThe Women92🕌176
5Al-MaidahالمائدةThe Table112🕌120
6Al-AnamالأنعامThe Cattle55🕋165
7Al-ArafالأعرافThe Heights39🕋206
8Al-AnfalالأنفالThe Spoils Of War88🕌75
9At-TawbahالتوبةThe Repentance113🕌129
13Ar-RadالرعدThe Thunder96🕌43
15Al-HijrالحجرThe Rocky Tract54🕋99
16An-NahlالنحلThe Bees70🕋128
17Al-IsraالإسرﺃThe Night Journey50🕋111
18Al-KahfالكهفThe Cave69🕋110
21Al-AnbiyaاﻷﻧﺒﻴﺄThe Prophets73🕋112
22Al-HajjالحجThe Pilgrimage103🕌78
23Al-MuminunالمؤمنونThe Believers74🕋118
24An-NurالنورThe Light102🕌64
25Al-FurqanالفرقانThe Criterion42🕋77
26Ash-ShuaraالشعرﺃThe Poets47🕋227
27An-NamlالنملThe Ants48🕋93
28Al-QasasالقصصThe Stories49🕋88
29Al-AnkabutالعنكبوتThe Spider85🕋85
30Ar-RumالرومThe Romans84🕋60
32As-SajdahالسجدةThe Prostration75🕋30
33Al-AhzabالأحزابThe Combined Forces90🕌73
34SabaﺳﺒﺄThe Sabeans58🕋54
35FatirالفاطرThe Originator43🕋45
37As-SaffatالصافاتThose Ranges In Ranks56🕋182
39Az-ZumarالزمرThe Groups59🕋75
40Al-GhafirغافرThe Forgiver60🕋85
42Ash-ShuraالشورىThe Consultation62🕋53
43Az-ZukhrufالزخرفThe Gold63🕋89
44Ad-DukhanالدخانThe Smoke64🕋59
45Al-JathiyahالجاثيةThe Kneeling65🕋37
46Al-AhqafالأحقافThe Valley66🕋35
48Al-FathالفتحThe Victory111🕌29
49Al-HujuratالحجراتThe Dwellings106🕌18
51Adh-DhariyatالذارياتThe Scatterers67🕋60
52At-TurالطورThe Mount76🕋49
53An-NajmالنجمThe Star23🕋62
54Al-QamarالقمرThe Moon37🕋55
55Ar-RahmanالرحمنThe Most Gracious97🕋78
56Al-WaqiahالواقعةThe Event46🕋96
57Al-HadidالحديدThe Iron94🕌29
58Al-MujadilahالمجادلةThe Reasoning105🕌22
59Al-HashrالحشرThe Gathering101🕌24
60Al-MumtahinahالممتحنةThe Tested91🕌13
61As-SafالصفThe Row109🕌14
63Al-MunafiqunالمنافقونThe Hypocrites104🕌11
64At-TaghabunالتغابنThe Loss & Gain108🕌18
65Al-TalaqالطلاقThe Divorce99🕌12
66Al-TahrimالتحريمThe Prohibition107🕌12
67Al-MulkالملكThe Kingdom77🕋30
68Al-QalamالقلمThe Pen2🕋52
69Al-HaqqahالحاقةThe Inevitable78🕋52
70Al-MaarijالمعارجThe Elevated Passages79🕋44
72Al-JinnالجنThe Jinn40🕋28
73Al-MuzzammilالمزملThe Wrapped3🕋20
74Al-MuddaththirالمدثرThe Cloaked4🕋56
75Al-QiyamahالقيامةThe Resurrection31🕋40
76Al-DahrالإنسانThe Human98🕌31
77Al-MursalatالمرسلاتThose Sent Forth33🕋50
78Al-NabaالنبأThe Great News80🕋40
79Al-NaziatالنازعاتThose Who Pull Out81🕋46
80Al-AbasaعبسHe Frowned24🕋42
81Al-TakwirالتكويرThe Overthrowing7🕋29
82Al-InfitarالإنفتارThe Cleaving82🕋19
83Al-MutaffifinالمطففينThose Who Deal In Fraud86🕋36
84Al-InshiqaqاﻹنشقاقThe Splitting Asunder83🕋25
85Al-BurujالبروجThe Stars27🕋22
86Al-TariqالطارقThe Nightcomer36🕋17
87Al-AalaالأعلىThe Most High8🕋19
88Al-GhashiyahالغاشيةThe Overwhelming68🕌26
89Al-FajrالفجرThe Dawn10🕋30
90Al-BaladالبلدThe City35🕋20
91Al-ShamsالشمسThe Sun26🕋15
92Al-LaylالليلThe Night9🕋21
93Al-DuhaالضحىThe Forenoon11🕋11
94Al-InshirahاﻹﻧﺸﺮﺡThe Opening Forth12🕋8
95Al-TinالتينThe Fig28🕋8
96Al-AlaqالعلقThe Clot1🕋19
97Al-QadrالقدرThe Night Of Decree25🕋5
98Al-BayyinahالبينةThe Proof100🕌8
99Al-ZalzalahالزلزلةThe Earthquake93🕋8
100Al-AdiyatالعادياتThe Runners14🕋11
101Al-QariahالقارعةThe Striking Hour30🕋11
102Al-TakathurالتكاثرThe Piling Up16🕋8
103Al-AsrالعصرThe Time13🕋3
104Al-HumazahالهمزةThe Slanderer32🕋9
105Al-FilالفيلThe Elephant19🕋5
107Al-MaunالماعونThe Assistance17🕋7
108Al-KawtharالكوثرThe River Of Abundance15🕋3
109Al-KafirunالكافرونThe Disbelievers18🕋6
110Al-NasrالنصرThe Help114🕌3
111Al-MasadالمسدThe Palm Fiber6🕋5
112Al-IkhlasالإخلاصThe Sincerity22🕋4
113Al-FalaqالفلقThe Daybreak20🕋5
Muzammal Riaz

Muzammal Riaz

He is the founder of " Urdu Wisdom". He has a very deep interest in Life-Changing Quotes and Urdu Poetry specially Allama Iqbal poetry. He is passionate about transforming the thinking ability of mankind.