Surah Anfal gets its name from its very first verse. The word that is used in the ayat is “Al-Anfal“. The word Anfal alludes to what is given as an additional sum beyond what is required. This word covers a very subtle perspective. It was revealed after the Battle of Badr.
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Surah Anfal Ayat 62
While looking at the Battle of Badr, which is being evaluated right now, the surah lays out general rules for war (one part of Jihad) and harmony and uses them for Muslims’ ethical preparation. However, it should be noted that in some ways, this survey is very different from the audits that are typically conducted by common commandants following extraordinary victories.
The Muslims were told that the victory was due to Allah’s accomplishment preferably – over to their valour and fearlessness. This Surah shows the Muslims the Power of Almighty Allah. It teaches them that they should always believe in Allah no matter what situation they are in. The Surah also tells the Muslims to be humble and never boast about their victory to others as that is not a good habit.
Surah Anfal Ayat 63
Additionally, it provides guidelines for the war’s spoils. It tells the Muslims how all the loot gained from the war shall be stored in the treasury. It also provides standard instructions regarding the laws of harmony and war, which crucially needed to be clarified at the stage the Islamic Movement had entered. The Muslims were advised not to view these as their privilege, but rather as an abundance from Allah. It asserted that Muslims ought to distance themselves from the practices of “ignorance” in peace and war and, as a result, establish their ethical dominance on the planet.
It also implied that Muslims ought to demonstrate to the world in real life the ethical quality that it had been lecturing the world about since the very beginning of Islam and was arguing that practical life ought to be founded on the same principle. It also expresses a few articles of the Islamic Constitution that help distinguish between the status of Muslims living within the confines of Dar-ul-Islam and Muslims living outside of its boundaries.
Surah Anfal With Urdu Translation
Surah Al-Anfal is available in various languages online. If you want to read the Surah in Urdu, you can easily search for it on the internet and will find several results. It is always good to read the Surahs in a language that you understand and are familiar with so that you can learn the true meaning of the Surah.
Surah No. | Surah Name | Arabic | Meaning | Order | Place | Total Verses |
1 | Al-Fatihah | الفاتحة | The Opening | 5 | 7 | |
2 | Al-Baqarah | اﻟﺒﻘﺮﺓ | The Cow | 87 | 286 | |
3 | Aale-Imran | اۤل عمران | The Family Of Imran | 89 | 200 | |
4 | An-Nisa | اﻟﻨﺴﺄ | The Women | 92 | 176 | |
5 | Al-Maidah | المائدة | The Table | 112 | 120 | |
6 | Al-Anam | الأنعام | The Cattle | 55 | 165 | |
7 | Al-Araf | الأعراف | The Heights | 39 | 206 | |
8 | Al-Anfal | الأنفال | The Spoils Of War | 88 | 75 | |
9 | At-Tawbah | التوبة | The Repentance | 113 | 129 | |
10 | Yunus | يونس | Yunus | 51 | 109 | |
11 | Hud | هود | Hud | 52 | 123 | |
12 | Yusuf | يوسف | Yusuf | 53 | 111 | |
13 | Ar-Rad | الرعد | The Thunder | 96 | 43 | |
14 | Ibrahim | ابراهيم | Ibrahim | 72 | 52 | |
15 | Al-Hijr | الحجر | The Rocky Tract | 54 | 99 | |
16 | An-Nahl | النحل | The Bees | 70 | 128 | |
17 | Al-Isra | الإسرﺃ | The Night Journey | 50 | 111 | |
18 | Al-Kahf | الكهف | The Cave | 69 | 110 | |
19 | Maryam | مريم | Maryam | 44 | 98 | |
20 | Taha | طه | Ta-Ha | 45 | 135 | |
21 | Al-Anbiya | اﻷﻧﺒﻴﺄ | The Prophets | 73 | 112 | |
22 | Al-Hajj | الحج | The Pilgrimage | 103 | 78 | |
23 | Al-Muminun | المؤمنون | The Believers | 74 | 118 | |
24 | An-Nur | النور | The Light | 102 | 64 | |
25 | Al-Furqan | الفرقان | The Criterion | 42 | 77 | |
26 | Ash-Shuara | الشعرﺃ | The Poets | 47 | 227 | |
27 | An-Naml | النمل | The Ants | 48 | 93 | |
28 | Al-Qasas | القصص | The Stories | 49 | 88 | |
29 | Al-Ankabut | العنكبوت | The Spider | 85 | 85 | |
30 | Ar-Rum | الروم | The Romans | 84 | 60 | |
31 | Luqman | لقمان | Luqman | 57 | 34 | |
32 | As-Sajdah | السجدة | The Prostration | 75 | 30 | |
33 | Al-Ahzab | الأحزاب | The Combined Forces | 90 | 73 | |
34 | Saba | ﺳﺒﺄ | The Sabeans | 58 | 54 | |
35 | Fatir | الفاطر | The Originator | 43 | 45 | |
36 | Yaseen | يٰسن | Ya-Sin | 41 | 83 | |
37 | As-Saffat | الصافات | Those Ranges In Ranks | 56 | 182 | |
38 | Saad | صۤ | Sad | 38 | 88 | |
39 | Az-Zumar | الزمر | The Groups | 59 | 75 | |
40 | Al-Ghafir | غافر | The Forgiver | 60 | 85 | |
41 | Fussilat | فصلت | Distinguished | 61 | 54 | |
42 | Ash-Shura | الشورى | The Consultation | 62 | 53 | |
43 | Az-Zukhruf | الزخرف | The Gold | 63 | 89 | |
44 | Ad-Dukhan | الدخان | The Smoke | 64 | 59 | |
45 | Al-Jathiyah | الجاثية | The Kneeling | 65 | 37 | |
46 | Al-Ahqaf | الأحقاف | The Valley | 66 | 35 | |
47 | Al-Muhammad | محمد | Muhammad | 95 | 38 | |
48 | Al-Fath | الفتح | The Victory | 111 | 29 | |
49 | Al-Hujurat | الحجرات | The Dwellings | 106 | 18 | |
50 | Qaf | ق | Qaf | 34 | 45 | |
51 | Adh-Dhariyat | الذاريات | The Scatterers | 67 | 60 | |
52 | At-Tur | الطور | The Mount | 76 | 49 | |
53 | An-Najm | النجم | The Star | 23 | 62 | |
54 | Al-Qamar | القمر | The Moon | 37 | 55 | |
55 | Ar-Rahman | الرحمن | The Most Gracious | 97 | 78 | |
56 | Al-Waqiah | الواقعة | The Event | 46 | 96 | |
57 | Al-Hadid | الحديد | The Iron | 94 | 29 | |
58 | Al-Mujadilah | المجادلة | The Reasoning | 105 | 22 | |
59 | Al-Hashr | الحشر | The Gathering | 101 | 24 | |
60 | Al-Mumtahinah | الممتحنة | The Tested | 91 | 13 | |
61 | As-Saf | الصف | The Row | 109 | 14 | |
62 | Al-Jumuah | الجمعة | Friday | 110 | 11 | |
63 | Al-Munafiqun | المنافقون | The Hypocrites | 104 | 11 | |
64 | At-Taghabun | التغابن | The Loss & Gain | 108 | 18 | |
65 | Al-Talaq | الطلاق | The Divorce | 99 | 12 | |
66 | Al-Tahrim | التحريم | The Prohibition | 107 | 12 | |
67 | Al-Mulk | الملك | The Kingdom | 77 | 30 | |
68 | Al-Qalam | القلم | The Pen | 2 | 52 | |
69 | Al-Haqqah | الحاقة | The Inevitable | 78 | 52 | |
70 | Al-Maarij | المعارج | The Elevated Passages | 79 | 44 | |
71 | Nuh | نوح | Nuh | 71 | 28 | |
72 | Al-Jinn | الجن | The Jinn | 40 | 28 | |
73 | Al-Muzzammil | المزمل | The Wrapped | 3 | 20 | |
74 | Al-Muddaththir | المدثر | The Cloaked | 4 | 56 | |
75 | Al-Qiyamah | القيامة | The Resurrection | 31 | 40 | |
76 | Al-Dahr | الإنسان | The Human | 98 | 31 | |
77 | Al-Mursalat | المرسلات | Those Sent Forth | 33 | 50 | |
78 | Al-Naba | النبأ | The Great News | 80 | 40 | |
79 | Al-Naziat | النازعات | Those Who Pull Out | 81 | 46 | |
80 | Al-Abasa | عبس | He Frowned | 24 | 42 | |
81 | Al-Takwir | التكوير | The Overthrowing | 7 | 29 | |
82 | Al-Infitar | الإنفتار | The Cleaving | 82 | 19 | |
83 | Al-Mutaffifin | المطففين | Those Who Deal In Fraud | 86 | 36 | |
84 | Al-Inshiqaq | اﻹنشقاق | The Splitting Asunder | 83 | 25 | |
85 | Al-Buruj | البروج | The Stars | 27 | 22 | |
86 | Al-Tariq | الطارق | The Nightcomer | 36 | 17 | |
87 | Al-Aala | الأعلى | The Most High | 8 | 19 | |
88 | Al-Ghashiyah | الغاشية | The Overwhelming | 68 | 26 | |
89 | Al-Fajr | الفجر | The Dawn | 10 | 30 | |
90 | Al-Balad | البلد | The City | 35 | 20 | |
91 | Al-Shams | الشمس | The Sun | 26 | 15 | |
92 | Al-Layl | الليل | The Night | 9 | 21 | |
93 | Al-Duha | الضحى | The Forenoon | 11 | 11 | |
94 | Al-Inshirah | اﻹﻧﺸﺮﺡ | The Opening Forth | 12 | 8 | |
95 | Al-Tin | التين | The Fig | 28 | 8 | |
96 | Al-Alaq | العلق | The Clot | 1 | 19 | |
97 | Al-Qadr | القدر | The Night Of Decree | 25 | 5 | |
98 | Al-Bayyinah | البينة | The Proof | 100 | 8 | |
99 | Al-Zalzalah | الزلزلة | The Earthquake | 93 | 8 | |
100 | Al-Adiyat | العاديات | The Runners | 14 | 11 | |
101 | Al-Qariah | القارعة | The Striking Hour | 30 | 11 | |
102 | Al-Takathur | التكاثر | The Piling Up | 16 | 8 | |
103 | Al-Asr | العصر | The Time | 13 | 3 | |
104 | Al-Humazah | الهمزة | The Slanderer | 32 | 9 | |
105 | Al-Fil | الفيل | The Elephant | 19 | 5 | |
106 | Al-Quraysh | قريش | Quraish | 29 | 4 | |
107 | Al-Maun | الماعون | The Assistance | 17 | 7 | |
108 | Al-Kawthar | الكوثر | The River Of Abundance | 15 | 3 | |
109 | Al-Kafirun | الكافرون | The Disbelievers | 18 | 6 | |
110 | Al-Nasr | النصر | The Help | 114 | 3 | |
111 | Al-Masad | المسد | The Palm Fiber | 6 | 5 | |
112 | Al-Ikhlas | الإخلاص | The Sincerity | 22 | 4 | |
113 | Al-Falaq | الفلق | The Daybreak | 20 | 5 | |
114 | Al-Nas | الناس | Mankind | 21 | 6 |
Is Surah Anfal Makki or Madani?
Surah Anfal is a Madani Surah that was revealed after the Battle of Badr. As it is a Madani Surah it is longer than others for example the Makki Surahs which are normally shorter.
How many ruku in Surah Anfal?
There are 10 rukus in Surah Anfal.
How many Ayats has Surah Anfal?
There are 75 ayats in Surah Anfal.