The Qur’an’s seventh chapter, Surah Araf, literally translates to “The Heights,” contains 206 verses (ayat). It is a “Meccan surah” because it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca in terms of the timing and context of the revelation.
Its disclosure occurred roughly at the same time as that of Al-Anaam, according to several different sources. The final year that Muhammad, the Islamic Prophet, lived in Makkah. It cannot be said with certainty which of these two was discovered first because how it was admonished indicates that they belong to the same period and share the same historical background. The audience should remember Al-Anaam’s introduction.
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Surah Araf Pdf
This Surah’s main topic is an invitation to the Divine Message that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received. For thirteen years, the Messenger had been warning the people of Makkah. However, due to their deliberate disregard for his message, they were unaffected in any significant way. And had grown so antagonistic, Allah was going to tell Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to ignore them and go to other people.
Because of this, they are reminded to acknowledge the message and warned about the consequences of their off-base demeanour. The concluding portion of this Surah addresses the People of the Book with whom he was going to interact at Al-Madinah because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was going to obtain Allah’s edict to relocate from Makkah. The consequences of the Jews’ deceitful mindset toward the Prophets are also made abundantly clear in the ayat addressed to them. Despite their claims to have faith in Musa (AS), their actions went against his teachings. They were resisting him and we were in a sureness loving lie.
In response to their adversaries’ instigations, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers are instructed toward the end of the Surah to show tolerance and patience. The devotees, who were experiencing pressure and stress, are urged to exercise caution and avoid making any moves that could harm their cause.
Surah Al Araf With Urdu Translation
Surah Al Araf like all other Surahs is also available in various languages. You can decide whichever language you would like to read the Surah in. It is recommended to read the Surah in a language you are familiar with so that you can understand its meaning and message.
Surah Araf Ayat 10
The tenth Ayat talks about how the Jews were given everything but still, they do not believe in Allah. They were given the chance to live but still decided to be disrespectful.
Surah No. | Surah Name | Arabic | Meaning | Order | Place | Total Verses |
1 | Al-Fatihah | الفاتحة | The Opening | 5 | 7 | |
2 | Al-Baqarah | اﻟﺒﻘﺮﺓ | The Cow | 87 | 286 | |
3 | Aale-Imran | اۤل عمران | The Family Of Imran | 89 | 200 | |
4 | An-Nisa | اﻟﻨﺴﺄ | The Women | 92 | 176 | |
5 | Al-Maidah | المائدة | The Table | 112 | 120 | |
6 | Al-Anam | الأنعام | The Cattle | 55 | 165 | |
7 | Al-Araf | الأعراف | The Heights | 39 | 206 | |
8 | Al-Anfal | الأنفال | The Spoils Of War | 88 | 75 | |
9 | At-Tawbah | التوبة | The Repentance | 113 | 129 | |
10 | Yunus | يونس | Yunus | 51 | 109 | |
11 | Hud | هود | Hud | 52 | 123 | |
12 | Yusuf | يوسف | Yusuf | 53 | 111 | |
13 | Ar-Rad | الرعد | The Thunder | 96 | 43 | |
14 | Ibrahim | ابراهيم | Ibrahim | 72 | 52 | |
15 | Al-Hijr | الحجر | The Rocky Tract | 54 | 99 | |
16 | An-Nahl | النحل | The Bees | 70 | 128 | |
17 | Al-Isra | الإسرﺃ | The Night Journey | 50 | 111 | |
18 | Al-Kahf | الكهف | The Cave | 69 | 110 | |
19 | Maryam | مريم | Maryam | 44 | 98 | |
20 | Taha | طه | Ta-Ha | 45 | 135 | |
21 | Al-Anbiya | اﻷﻧﺒﻴﺄ | The Prophets | 73 | 112 | |
22 | Al-Hajj | الحج | The Pilgrimage | 103 | 78 | |
23 | Al-Muminun | المؤمنون | The Believers | 74 | 118 | |
24 | An-Nur | النور | The Light | 102 | 64 | |
25 | Al-Furqan | الفرقان | The Criterion | 42 | 77 | |
26 | Ash-Shuara | الشعرﺃ | The Poets | 47 | 227 | |
27 | An-Naml | النمل | The Ants | 48 | 93 | |
28 | Al-Qasas | القصص | The Stories | 49 | 88 | |
29 | Al-Ankabut | العنكبوت | The Spider | 85 | 85 | |
30 | Ar-Rum | الروم | The Romans | 84 | 60 | |
31 | Luqman | لقمان | Luqman | 57 | 34 | |
32 | As-Sajdah | السجدة | The Prostration | 75 | 30 | |
33 | Al-Ahzab | الأحزاب | The Combined Forces | 90 | 73 | |
34 | Saba | ﺳﺒﺄ | The Sabeans | 58 | 54 | |
35 | Fatir | الفاطر | The Originator | 43 | 45 | |
36 | Yaseen | يٰسن | Ya-Sin | 41 | 83 | |
37 | As-Saffat | الصافات | Those Ranges In Ranks | 56 | 182 | |
38 | Saad | صۤ | Sad | 38 | 88 | |
39 | Az-Zumar | الزمر | The Groups | 59 | 75 | |
40 | Al-Ghafir | غافر | The Forgiver | 60 | 85 | |
41 | Fussilat | فصلت | Distinguished | 61 | 54 | |
42 | Ash-Shura | الشورى | The Consultation | 62 | 53 | |
43 | Az-Zukhruf | الزخرف | The Gold | 63 | 89 | |
44 | Ad-Dukhan | الدخان | The Smoke | 64 | 59 | |
45 | Al-Jathiyah | الجاثية | The Kneeling | 65 | 37 | |
46 | Al-Ahqaf | الأحقاف | The Valley | 66 | 35 | |
47 | Al-Muhammad | محمد | Muhammad | 95 | 38 | |
48 | Al-Fath | الفتح | The Victory | 111 | 29 | |
49 | Al-Hujurat | الحجرات | The Dwellings | 106 | 18 | |
50 | Qaf | ق | Qaf | 34 | 45 | |
51 | Adh-Dhariyat | الذاريات | The Scatterers | 67 | 60 | |
52 | At-Tur | الطور | The Mount | 76 | 49 | |
53 | An-Najm | النجم | The Star | 23 | 62 | |
54 | Al-Qamar | القمر | The Moon | 37 | 55 | |
55 | Ar-Rahman | الرحمن | The Most Gracious | 97 | 78 | |
56 | Al-Waqiah | الواقعة | The Event | 46 | 96 | |
57 | Al-Hadid | الحديد | The Iron | 94 | 29 | |
58 | Al-Mujadilah | المجادلة | The Reasoning | 105 | 22 | |
59 | Al-Hashr | الحشر | The Gathering | 101 | 24 | |
60 | Al-Mumtahinah | الممتحنة | The Tested | 91 | 13 | |
61 | As-Saf | الصف | The Row | 109 | 14 | |
62 | Al-Jumuah | الجمعة | Friday | 110 | 11 | |
63 | Al-Munafiqun | المنافقون | The Hypocrites | 104 | 11 | |
64 | At-Taghabun | التغابن | The Loss & Gain | 108 | 18 | |
65 | Al-Talaq | الطلاق | The Divorce | 99 | 12 | |
66 | Al-Tahrim | التحريم | The Prohibition | 107 | 12 | |
67 | Al-Mulk | الملك | The Kingdom | 77 | 30 | |
68 | Al-Qalam | القلم | The Pen | 2 | 52 | |
69 | Al-Haqqah | الحاقة | The Inevitable | 78 | 52 | |
70 | Al-Maarij | المعارج | The Elevated Passages | 79 | 44 | |
71 | Nuh | نوح | Nuh | 71 | 28 | |
72 | Al-Jinn | الجن | The Jinn | 40 | 28 | |
73 | Al-Muzzammil | المزمل | The Wrapped | 3 | 20 | |
74 | Al-Muddaththir | المدثر | The Cloaked | 4 | 56 | |
75 | Al-Qiyamah | القيامة | The Resurrection | 31 | 40 | |
76 | Al-Dahr | الإنسان | The Human | 98 | 31 | |
77 | Al-Mursalat | المرسلات | Those Sent Forth | 33 | 50 | |
78 | Al-Naba | النبأ | The Great News | 80 | 40 | |
79 | Al-Naziat | النازعات | Those Who Pull Out | 81 | 46 | |
80 | Al-Abasa | عبس | He Frowned | 24 | 42 | |
81 | Al-Takwir | التكوير | The Overthrowing | 7 | 29 | |
82 | Al-Infitar | الإنفتار | The Cleaving | 82 | 19 | |
83 | Al-Mutaffifin | المطففين | Those Who Deal In Fraud | 86 | 36 | |
84 | Al-Inshiqaq | اﻹنشقاق | The Splitting Asunder | 83 | 25 | |
85 | Al-Buruj | البروج | The Stars | 27 | 22 | |
86 | Al-Tariq | الطارق | The Nightcomer | 36 | 17 | |
87 | Al-Aala | الأعلى | The Most High | 8 | 19 | |
88 | Al-Ghashiyah | الغاشية | The Overwhelming | 68 | 26 | |
89 | Al-Fajr | الفجر | The Dawn | 10 | 30 | |
90 | Al-Balad | البلد | The City | 35 | 20 | |
91 | Al-Shams | الشمس | The Sun | 26 | 15 | |
92 | Al-Layl | الليل | The Night | 9 | 21 | |
93 | Al-Duha | الضحى | The Forenoon | 11 | 11 | |
94 | Al-Inshirah | اﻹﻧﺸﺮﺡ | The Opening Forth | 12 | 8 | |
95 | Al-Tin | التين | The Fig | 28 | 8 | |
96 | Al-Alaq | العلق | The Clot | 1 | 19 | |
97 | Al-Qadr | القدر | The Night Of Decree | 25 | 5 | |
98 | Al-Bayyinah | البينة | The Proof | 100 | 8 | |
99 | Al-Zalzalah | الزلزلة | The Earthquake | 93 | 8 | |
100 | Al-Adiyat | العاديات | The Runners | 14 | 11 | |
101 | Al-Qariah | القارعة | The Striking Hour | 30 | 11 | |
102 | Al-Takathur | التكاثر | The Piling Up | 16 | 8 | |
103 | Al-Asr | العصر | The Time | 13 | 3 | |
104 | Al-Humazah | الهمزة | The Slanderer | 32 | 9 | |
105 | Al-Fil | الفيل | The Elephant | 19 | 5 | |
106 | Al-Quraysh | قريش | Quraish | 29 | 4 | |
107 | Al-Maun | الماعون | The Assistance | 17 | 7 | |
108 | Al-Kawthar | الكوثر | The River Of Abundance | 15 | 3 | |
109 | Al-Kafirun | الكافرون | The Disbelievers | 18 | 6 | |
110 | Al-Nasr | النصر | The Help | 114 | 3 | |
111 | Al-Masad | المسد | The Palm Fiber | 6 | 5 | |
112 | Al-Ikhlas | الإخلاص | The Sincerity | 22 | 4 | |
113 | Al-Falaq | الفلق | The Daybreak | 20 | 5 | |
114 | Al-Nas | الناس | Mankind | 21 | 6 |
What is Surah Al Araf about?
Al Araf is one of the most in-depth Surahs on the origins of creation and the most revealing prophecies about the coming of the end. It begins by describing how Satan caused Adam and Eve to leave heaven and descend to earth, making him the most important enemy of humanity.
How many Ayats in Surah Al Araf?
There are 206 verses in Surah Al Araf.
Which things are Haram in Surah Al Araf?
It talks about how shameful deeds and lying are sinful.