Surah Muzammil is the 73rd chapter of the Quran, consisting of 20 verses. It is named after the Prophet Muhammad, who is referred to as Muzammil in the first verse. In this surah, Allah teaches the importance of prayer and devotion to Him and encourages believers to be patient and persevere in the face of adversity. The surah also discusses the rewards that await those who remain steadfast in their faith and obedience to Allah.
Surah Muzammil Full

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Surah Muzammil Read Online
According to numerous commentators, Muhammad is referred to as “The Enfolded One” throughout the Qur’an. God prepares Muhammad (PBUH) for an important revelation at the start of this Surah. God relaxes the strict rules regarding night prayer in anticipation of this revelation. The story of how Pharaoh was punished illustrates the disbelievers’ fate in Hell, so Muhammad (PBUH) is told to be patient.
The majority of the Quran’s ayat (verses 1 through 19) are revealed in Mecca, while the final verse (verse 20) is revealed in Medina.
Surah Muzammil Benefits
God discusses the benefits of night prayer during the First Meccan Period at the beginning of Al-Muzzammil. Muslims are instructed to “stay up throughout the night, all but a small part of it, half, or a little less, or a little more”; and utter the Qur’an slowly and clearly. The entirety of the Qur’anic revelation could be recited at night during the First Meccan Period. As a result, Muslims were expected to recite the Qur’an in its entirety at night.
Surah Muzammil with video
It was believed that the believer would “make a deeper impression” on themselves if they stayed away from all distractions and focused solely on prayer during the night prayer. However, the Qur’an continued to expand over time, and by the time Ayat 20 was revealed, it was too long to read aloud at night.
As a result, God relaxes his previous directive to read the Qur’an at night. Muhammad (PBUH) is instructed to pray whatever is simple for him at night (“recite as much of the Qur’an as is simple for you”), but he is also instructed to pray continuously throughout the day (“keep up the prayer [during the day], pay the prescribed alms, and lend God a good loan”).
Surah Muzammil translation in Urdu, Arabic and English
Surah Muzammil is Madni, not Makki, according to three major textual suggestions. First, the length of verses 1 through 19 and verse 20 differ, with verse 20 being a paragraph long and the first 19 verses being short.
The Qur’an follows this pattern; the verses that Muhammad (PBUH) revealed in Madinah are longer as he tries to outline the ideal Muslim society, while the Surahs that were revealed to the Prophet (PBUH) in Makkah are shorter because he is more concerned with spreading the message of Islam. Second, the way Allah is mentioned has changed.
In the first 19 ayat, Allah mostly says “We” and “your Lord” about himself. As Allah begins to speak in the third person, “He,” in Ayat 20, the voice shifts. The mention of fighting lends further support to the notion that it is Madni. Last but not least, the Arabic verses 1 to 19 end with a rhyme. This end rhyme is broken in verse 20, which suggests that it was revealed at a different time.
Understanding the meaning and purpose of each Quranic Surah is critically important. You can read Surah’s translation to gain a complete and accurate understanding. You can read this Surah with a translation if you want to know what it means.
As Muslims, we need to comprehend the purpose and meaning of each verse in the Quran. You can learn anything from the Quran. The fundamental ideas of Islam are also explained in this Surah of the Quran. You can recite Surah Muzammil with English and Urdu translations to gain an accurate and complete understanding of this Surah.
Surah Muzammil can be read online on the internet. The Surah Muzammil pdf can be found online very quickly. We must read Surah Muzammil fully and understand its importance and significance.
Surah No. | Surah Name | Arabic | Meaning | Order | Place | Total Verses |
1 | Al-Fatihah | الفاتحة | The Opening | 5 | 7 | |
2 | Al-Baqarah | اﻟﺒﻘﺮﺓ | The Cow | 87 | 286 | |
3 | Aale-Imran | اۤل عمران | The Family Of Imran | 89 | 200 | |
4 | An-Nisa | اﻟﻨﺴﺄ | The Women | 92 | 176 | |
5 | Al-Maidah | المائدة | The Table | 112 | 120 | |
6 | Al-Anam | الأنعام | The Cattle | 55 | 165 | |
7 | Al-Araf | الأعراف | The Heights | 39 | 206 | |
8 | Al-Anfal | الأنفال | The Spoils Of War | 88 | 75 | |
9 | At-Tawbah | التوبة | The Repentance | 113 | 129 | |
10 | Yunus | يونس | Yunus | 51 | 109 | |
11 | Hud | هود | Hud | 52 | 123 | |
12 | Yusuf | يوسف | Yusuf | 53 | 111 | |
13 | Ar-Rad | الرعد | The Thunder | 96 | 43 | |
14 | Ibrahim | ابراهيم | Ibrahim | 72 | 52 | |
15 | Al-Hijr | الحجر | The Rocky Tract | 54 | 99 | |
16 | An-Nahl | النحل | The Bees | 70 | 128 | |
17 | Al-Isra | الإسرﺃ | The Night Journey | 50 | 111 | |
18 | Al-Kahf | الكهف | The Cave | 69 | 110 | |
19 | Maryam | مريم | Maryam | 44 | 98 | |
20 | Taha | طه | Ta-Ha | 45 | 135 | |
21 | Al-Anbiya | اﻷﻧﺒﻴﺄ | The Prophets | 73 | 112 | |
22 | Al-Hajj | الحج | The Pilgrimage | 103 | 78 | |
23 | Al-Muminun | المؤمنون | The Believers | 74 | 118 | |
24 | An-Nur | النور | The Light | 102 | 64 | |
25 | Al-Furqan | الفرقان | The Criterion | 42 | 77 | |
26 | Ash-Shuara | الشعرﺃ | The Poets | 47 | 227 | |
27 | An-Naml | النمل | The Ants | 48 | 93 | |
28 | Al-Qasas | القصص | The Stories | 49 | 88 | |
29 | Al-Ankabut | العنكبوت | The Spider | 85 | 85 | |
30 | Ar-Rum | الروم | The Romans | 84 | 60 | |
31 | Luqman | لقمان | Luqman | 57 | 34 | |
32 | As-Sajdah | السجدة | The Prostration | 75 | 30 | |
33 | Al-Ahzab | الأحزاب | The Combined Forces | 90 | 73 | |
34 | Saba | ﺳﺒﺄ | The Sabeans | 58 | 54 | |
35 | Fatir | الفاطر | The Originator | 43 | 45 | |
36 | Yaseen | يٰسن | Ya-Sin | 41 | 83 | |
37 | As-Saffat | الصافات | Those Ranges In Ranks | 56 | 182 | |
38 | Saad | صۤ | Sad | 38 | 88 | |
39 | Az-Zumar | الزمر | The Groups | 59 | 75 | |
40 | Al-Ghafir | غافر | The Forgiver | 60 | 85 | |
41 | Fussilat | فصلت | Distinguished | 61 | 54 | |
42 | Ash-Shura | الشورى | The Consultation | 62 | 53 | |
43 | Az-Zukhruf | الزخرف | The Gold | 63 | 89 | |
44 | Ad-Dukhan | الدخان | The Smoke | 64 | 59 | |
45 | Al-Jathiyah | الجاثية | The Kneeling | 65 | 37 | |
46 | Al-Ahqaf | الأحقاف | The Valley | 66 | 35 | |
47 | Al-Muhammad | محمد | Muhammad | 95 | 38 | |
48 | Al-Fath | الفتح | The Victory | 111 | 29 | |
49 | Al-Hujurat | الحجرات | The Dwellings | 106 | 18 | |
50 | Qaf | ق | Qaf | 34 | 45 | |
51 | Adh-Dhariyat | الذاريات | The Scatterers | 67 | 60 | |
52 | At-Tur | الطور | The Mount | 76 | 49 | |
53 | An-Najm | النجم | The Star | 23 | 62 | |
54 | Al-Qamar | القمر | The Moon | 37 | 55 | |
55 | Ar-Rahman | الرحمن | The Most Gracious | 97 | 78 | |
56 | Al-Waqiah | الواقعة | The Event | 46 | 96 | |
57 | Al-Hadid | الحديد | The Iron | 94 | 29 | |
58 | Al-Mujadilah | المجادلة | The Reasoning | 105 | 22 | |
59 | Al-Hashr | الحشر | The Gathering | 101 | 24 | |
60 | Al-Mumtahinah | الممتحنة | The Tested | 91 | 13 | |
61 | As-Saf | الصف | The Row | 109 | 14 | |
62 | Al-Jumuah | الجمعة | Friday | 110 | 11 | |
63 | Al-Munafiqun | المنافقون | The Hypocrites | 104 | 11 | |
64 | At-Taghabun | التغابن | The Loss & Gain | 108 | 18 | |
65 | Al-Talaq | الطلاق | The Divorce | 99 | 12 | |
66 | Al-Tahrim | التحريم | The Prohibition | 107 | 12 | |
67 | Al-Mulk | الملك | The Kingdom | 77 | 30 | |
68 | Al-Qalam | القلم | The Pen | 2 | 52 | |
69 | Al-Haqqah | الحاقة | The Inevitable | 78 | 52 | |
70 | Al-Maarij | المعارج | The Elevated Passages | 79 | 44 | |
71 | Nuh | نوح | Nuh | 71 | 28 | |
72 | Al-Jinn | الجن | The Jinn | 40 | 28 | |
73 | Al-Muzzammil | المزمل | The Wrapped | 3 | 20 | |
74 | Al-Muddaththir | المدثر | The Cloaked | 4 | 56 | |
75 | Al-Qiyamah | القيامة | The Resurrection | 31 | 40 | |
76 | Al-Dahr | الإنسان | The Human | 98 | 31 | |
77 | Al-Mursalat | المرسلات | Those Sent Forth | 33 | 50 | |
78 | Al-Naba | النبأ | The Great News | 80 | 40 | |
79 | Al-Naziat | النازعات | Those Who Pull Out | 81 | 46 | |
80 | Al-Abasa | عبس | He Frowned | 24 | 42 | |
81 | Al-Takwir | التكوير | The Overthrowing | 7 | 29 | |
82 | Al-Infitar | الإنفتار | The Cleaving | 82 | 19 | |
83 | Al-Mutaffifin | المطففين | Those Who Deal In Fraud | 86 | 36 | |
84 | Al-Inshiqaq | اﻹنشقاق | The Splitting Asunder | 83 | 25 | |
85 | Al-Buruj | البروج | The Stars | 27 | 22 | |
86 | Al-Tariq | الطارق | The Nightcomer | 36 | 17 | |
87 | Al-Aala | الأعلى | The Most High | 8 | 19 | |
88 | Al-Ghashiyah | الغاشية | The Overwhelming | 68 | 26 | |
89 | Al-Fajr | الفجر | The Dawn | 10 | 30 | |
90 | Al-Balad | البلد | The City | 35 | 20 | |
91 | Al-Shams | الشمس | The Sun | 26 | 15 | |
92 | Al-Layl | الليل | The Night | 9 | 21 | |
93 | Al-Duha | الضحى | The Forenoon | 11 | 11 | |
94 | Al-Inshirah | اﻹﻧﺸﺮﺡ | The Opening Forth | 12 | 8 | |
95 | Al-Tin | التين | The Fig | 28 | 8 | |
96 | Al-Alaq | العلق | The Clot | 1 | 19 | |
97 | Al-Qadr | القدر | The Night Of Decree | 25 | 5 | |
98 | Al-Bayyinah | البينة | The Proof | 100 | 8 | |
99 | Al-Zalzalah | الزلزلة | The Earthquake | 93 | 8 | |
100 | Al-Adiyat | العاديات | The Runners | 14 | 11 | |
101 | Al-Qariah | القارعة | The Striking Hour | 30 | 11 | |
102 | Al-Takathur | التكاثر | The Piling Up | 16 | 8 | |
103 | Al-Asr | العصر | The Time | 13 | 3 | |
104 | Al-Humazah | الهمزة | The Slanderer | 32 | 9 | |
105 | Al-Fil | الفيل | The Elephant | 19 | 5 | |
106 | Al-Quraysh | قريش | Quraish | 29 | 4 | |
107 | Al-Maun | الماعون | The Assistance | 17 | 7 | |
108 | Al-Kawthar | الكوثر | The River Of Abundance | 15 | 3 | |
109 | Al-Kafirun | الكافرون | The Disbelievers | 18 | 6 | |
110 | Al-Nasr | النصر | The Help | 114 | 3 | |
111 | Al-Masad | المسد | The Palm Fiber | 6 | 5 | |
112 | Al-Ikhlas | الإخلاص | The Sincerity | 22 | 4 | |
113 | Al-Falaq | الفلق | The Daybreak | 20 | 5 | |
114 | Al-Nas | الناس | Mankind | 21 | 6 |