How to check Jazz Number in 2023 | Check jazz sim number

How to check Jazz Number
Here you can get the answer to this question How to check jazz numbers step by step.

Here’s how to check your jazz sim number | Jazz Number Check Code

  • Go to your mobile dialer and dial *99#.
  • A window with your contact number will appear on your screen.
  • You can also check it by sending a message to 667.
  • Write MNP and send it to 667.
  • You will receive a message with details such as the owner’s name, CNIC number and date of activation.
  • And the jazz or a Mobilink mobile number will be displayed on your mobile’s screen.

How to check Jazz Number in 2023 | Check jazz sim number

Jazz Number Check Code*99#
CostNO charges

Now there are various methods for jazz customers to know the details regarding their sim. Please follow the article to learn more.


Step # 1

  1. Open your dialer pad on your mobile phone.
  2. Dial *99#.
  3. The mobile number will be displayed on the screen.

Step # 2.

  1. You can also check the jazz sim number by sending an SMS.
  2. For this go to your “create message” on your mobile phone.
  3. Write MNP in the message and send this to 667.
  4. After a few seconds, you will receive a text with all the sim details like the holder’s name, CNIC and date of activation.

Step # 3. 

  • Or you can also call on the Jazz helpline 111 from your mobile and ask the operator for the details regarding your jazz sim.

Jazz claims to be Pakistan’s largest mobile network with over 60 million users. Jazz is constituted by the union of Mobilink and Warid. The company was established in 1994 by Motorola Inc and Saif Group but is now owned by the Russian Alfa Group. Jazz provides several services considering prepaid and postpaid users for personal and business use. Here you can get the answer to this question How to check jazz number step by step.

I hope you are clear about how to check the jazz number details after reading this article for further queries please feel free to contact us. And share this info with your friends and relatives. Now you can also get the method of how to share the jazz balance with your friends.

how to check  jazz number
How to check jazz number? Step by step
Muzammal Riaz

Muzammal Riaz

He is the founder of " Urdu Wisdom". He has a very deep interest in Life-Changing Quotes and Urdu Poetry specially Allama Iqbal poetry. He is passionate about transforming the thinking ability of mankind.
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